Searching for the truth

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

America is a center-moderate country

House GOP leader John Boehner told colleagues Wednesday, "America remains a center-right country. Democrats should not make the mistake of viewing Tuesday's results as a repudiation of conservatism."

Americans have repudiated unbalanced conservatism. Republicans have tried to drag this country too far to the right, essentially placing the goal posts at "center" and "right". Mainstream America voted to restore the goal posts to "center-left" and "center-right". We do not seek to do away with conservative ideology...we just want people like Rep. Boehner to know that we are a center-moderate country, with a healthy balance of liberal and conservative ideology.

This graphic from the New York Times illustrates my point perfectly. Each precinct in America is colored according to how the voting percentages shifted versus some previous election. A precinct that voted more Democratic in 2008 than it did in 2004 is shaded a blue, and vice versa.

This is how precincts compared between the 2008 election and Bill Clinton's 1996 election. Obama still has many more hearts and minds to win.

Someone over at the Huffington Post links to a poll with even more proof that America is not a center-right nation.

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