Two-thirds of all AIDS cases in the world are in Africa alone. [9] This is why I was quite surprised to hear that Pope Benedict XVI actually said that the AIDS epidemic is, and I quote:
"a tragedy that cannot be overcome by money alone, that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems." [3]
Condoms Make AIDS Worse?
I was absolutely stunned. Apparently the Vatican does not understand the difference between rhetoric and views which are supported with actual facts and evidence.
The Vatican also says condoms can also lead to risky behavior but many contest that view.
Kevin De Cock, director of the World Health Organization's HIV/AIDS department, said there is no scientific evidence showing that condom use spurs people to take more sexual risks. [2]
"My reaction is that this represents a major step backwards in terms of global health education, is entirely counter-productive, and is likely to lead to increases in HIV infection in Africa and elsewhere," said Prof Quentin Sattentau, Professor of Immunology at Britain's Oxford University.
"There is a large body of published evidence demonstrating that condom use reduces the risk of acquiring HIV infection, but does not lead to increased sexual activity," he said.[2]
Kevin Osborne, HIV adviser at the International Planned Parenthood Federation, said: "All the evidence is that preaching sexual abstinence and fidelity will not solve the problems. [4]
“France voices extremely sharp concern over the consequences of Benedict XVI’s comments,” adding they posed “a threat to public health policies and the duty to protect human life,” the French foreign ministry said today in a statement distributed to reporters. [9]
The Pope's Myopia
Ignore for a moment that people will have sex anyway, with or without condoms, and abstinence-only education has almost no effect[6][7][8]. Forgive them for their ignorance of the African tradition of a widow marrying her dead husband's brother, a tradition which provides security for families in countries where there is no social safety net. [5] The Vatican is a group of people who don't have sex claiming to know how people who do have sex are going to react to the introduction of a product that they themselves will never use.
As if to demonstrate how irrationally dogmatic they can be, the Vatican bans condoms even if an HIV positive individual wants to protect their monogamous partner.
Two years ago, there was speculation the Vatican might amend its ban on condoms after Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, the former archbishop of Milan, said that in couples where one partner had HIV/AIDS, the use of condoms was "a lesser evil".[4]
Refuting the Propaganda
Let us cut through the Pope's willful disregard for the truth and analyze the scientific evidence surrounding condom usage. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that consistent and correct condom use reduces the risk of HIV infection by 90% [4]. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) cites comprehensive and conclusive evidence that consistent and correct usage of condoms is highly effective. [1] A meta-analysis published by Cochrane Collaboration concludes that condoms can reduce the risk by 80%. [1]
"In a very poor area here in Cape Town, we have a person called the Condom King. He hands out upwards of 500,000 condoms a month and he also gives HIV awareness education. And he gives information how best to use the condoms. And the evidence that we have found there, based on a study with Doctors Without Borders, is that because of this concerted education campaign around condoms, together with the condom access, there's actually been a decrease in sexually transmitted infections in Khayelitsha. That is quite remarkable in an area which is very poor, where people have a lot of sexually transmitted infections and have a lot of transactional sex," she says. [3]
Do Not Let Perfect Be the Enemy of Good
Of course condoms are not perfect. As the Pope said, they aren't going to stop the spread of HIV alone. But this does not mean that comdoms are without use, or that they make the problem worse.
However, both groups [CDC and Cochrane Collaboration] warned that condom use cannot provide absolute protection. Condoms sometimes break, slip or are put on incorrectly. The best way to avoid transmission of the virus is to abstain from sexual intercourse or have a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected person. [1]
He [Kevin De Cock, director of the WHO's HIV/AIDS department] said abstinence and reducing the number of partners were also needed. [2]
They [the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), one of South Africa's leading HIV/AIDS advocacy groups,] first promotes abstinence, then they promote being faithful and then they promote condom use. It's called the ABC campaign: abstain, be faithful, condomize," she says. [Rebecca Hodes, TAC's director of policy communication and research] [3]
The Blood On the Vatican's Hands
Pope Benedict's approach is particularly disappointing in light of what happened after Pope John Paul II visited Africa in 1990. Pope John Paul said pretty much the same thing - using condoms is a sin - and afterward the AIDS epidemic became worse.
Today, more than 28 per cent of African children have lost one or both parents to AIDS. In 1990, at the time of the pope's visit to Tanzania, the figure was 2 per cent. [5]Both Popes are using their bully pulpit to preach policies which will sentence millions of Africans to a slow and painful death. And for what? Because religious devotion against contraceptives is more important than protecting individuals, families, and whole societies from this awful disease?
[1] New York Times -
[2] Reuters -
[3] Voice of America -
[4] The Australian -,25197,25206355-32682,00.html
[5] The Australian -,25197,25206351-32682,00.html
[6] New York Times -
[7] Fox News -,2933,265940,00.html
[8] American Psychological Association -
[9] Bloomberg -
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